Black Ops II Point Streaks

RCXD – 325

 The RCXD is a small remote-controlled car that can be detonated by the player. The resulting explosion can be pretty powerful

UAV – 375

 The UAV is a killstreak that plots the position of enemy players on your minimap.

Hunter Killer – 400

 The Hunter Killer is a new one. It’s basically an unmanned airborne drone that seeks out an enemy player and attempts to kill/him. Think of it as an AI-controlled Predator Missile.

Care Package – 450

 The Care Package is returning. These are air-dropped packages that contain a random killstreak.

Counter UAV-  475

 The Counter UAV will disable the enemy team’s minimap / radar for a set amount of time. Often used to counteract enemy UAVs.

Guardian – 500

 The Guardian Turret can be placed down on the ground and pointed towards enemy players. This turret will project microwaves at anyone in front of it, blinding them and impairing their movement. This was seen in the multiplayer reveal trailer.

Hellstorm Missile – 525

 The Hellstorm Missile is basically an air-to-surface cluster bomb that is dropped onto a general location. The missile will fall from the sky and then break apart into multiple cluster bombs, which then blanket the area in question with a lot of explosive power.

Lightning Strike – 550

 The Lightning Strike is kind of like a futuristic version of the Mortar team found in the previous Black Ops game. This killstreak allows you to pinpoint three locations on the map and have them bombed.

Death Machine – 600

 The Death Machine (nice name, eh?) is a large mini-gun similar to the one that featured in the previous Treyarch game. Can be pretty powerful; but you use it at the expense of your movement speed.

Sentry Gun – 650

 This has appeared in previous Call of Duty games. This is an AI-operated turret that automatically fires upon enemy players. The Sentry Gun will point in one direction and scan the scene for enemies. Can be destroyed pretty instantly if it’s knifed, which means that you have to be careful about where you place it.

War Machine – 700

 The War Machine isn’t just a grenade launcher. It’s a SEMI AUTOMATIC grenade launcher that will help you relive the good old days of Ground War on MW2.

Dragonfire – 725

 The Dragonfire is a player-controlled killstreak that hovers in the air. An SMG/AR is attached to the bottom of it, which allows the player to fire upon enemy players. Kind of surprised to see this as a 725 scorestreak because it looks incredibly easy to take down.

AGR – 800

 The AGR is a bi-pedal robot that has guns / cannons attached to it. This thing will rip through other players like a hot knife through butter. This particular one is air-dropped to your location, so keep that in mind if you decide to select it. Although this can be remote controlled, there have been a number of people saying that it can also work on its own AI and search the map for enemies.

Stealth Chopper – 850

 This is basically an attack chopper that does not show up on the enemy’s radar. This will automatically roam a section of the map and shoot at other players.

Orbital VSAT – 900

 The Orbital VSAT in Black Ops 2 works much like the Blackbird did. This will show the position of enemies on the map and it will also show you what direction they are headed in. Note that this cannot be shot down.

Escort Drone – 1000

 The Escort Drone is kind of like the AH-6 Overwatch. This is an AI-controlled drone that follows you around the map while trying to protect you.

Warthog – 1025

 The Warthog killstreak is a hovering jet aircraft that makes several swoops across the map while taking shots at enemy players.

EMP Systems – 1050

 An EMP doesn’t hurt enemy players. Instead, it takes down all enemy killstreaks and equipment. It also disables the other team’s minimap / radar. It’s worth noting that an EMP will only work for a set amount of time, after which, the game will return to normal.

Lodestar – 1150

 The Lodestar can be compared to the Reaper. This allows you to guide surface to air missiles with a laser pointer.

VTOL Warship – 1200

 Haven’t heard of much information about the VTOL Warship, only that you get to pilot a large warship (duh!!) and shoot the crap out of everybody. Maybe it’s just a futuristic version of the Chopper Gunner?

Canine Unit – 1275

 The Canine / K9 Unit is a pack of vicious dogs that will run around the map for about a minute or so and hunt down enemy players. These can rack you up a lot of kills in quick succession. This has been a top-level killstreak in the last two Treyarch games.

Swarm – 1400

 We got to see the Swarm in action in the multiplayer reveal trailer. Basically, the Swarm is a bunch of Hunter Killer drones that will circle around in the sky and automatically attack enemy players on sight. My guess is that this is going to be extremely powerful (think of multiple Predator Missiles falling from the sky).

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4 thoughts on “Black Ops II Point Streaks

  1. Nice blog! I’ve also written about BO2 on mine, if you’re interested feel free to check it out 🙂

  2. popadoms says:

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